Connectivity Services – Terms and Conditions


  1.  Service Contract Period

All contracts for all VoIP Services, PSTN lines, broadband, leased lines and other connectivity service are subject to a minimum initial period of 12 months (unless otherwise stated) which starts on the date of our acceptance email (or on service delivery date), and your Service starts on the date that you are connected to our network, service or your local BT exchange. After the initial minimum contract period of twelve (12) months (unless otherwise stated) has elapsed, you can terminate your contract at any time without paying any cancellation fees, providing you give us one (1) months’ written notice of termination. However, if you wish to terminate your account with less than one (1) months’ notice, there’s an express cancellation fee of £50+VAT (service dependant). Service will be terminated between 1 and 30 days after receipt of your written express cancellation notice. For the avoidance of doubt, the cancellation of any connectivity service may result in an additional Circuit Cessation Charge.


  1. Installation / Cancellation Charges

Our services are subject to the following cancellation charges.

  1. A) Before Circuit Delivery Date

Should you wish to end your contract before you are connected you may do so, but you must agree to pay all connection Charges incurred and you will need to pay the express cancellation administrative fee of £50 (service dependant) +VAT to terminate your contract.

  1. B) Within contract period (12 months)

Our Broadband service is subject to a 12 month minimum term. If you cancel a service (with 30 day written notice) within 12 months of the Circuit Delivery Date (the date on which the circuit is installed) you will be required to pay £38.64+VAT (service dependant) and remaining contract fees (cost of remaining contract term).

  1. C) Out of contract period (after 12 months)

Services are subject to 30 day notice period, and require one (1) months’ written notice of termination. If you cancel after 12 months you may be required to pay a cancellation fee of £17 +VAT (service dependant).

  1. D) Additional installation and activation charges may apply for connectivity services.

Some services (eg leased lines and FTTP services) may be subject to additional installation and activation charges. These must be understood, agreed and accepted before the order can be placed.


  1. Payment

You must pay the fees (together with VAT and any applicable taxes) when you order Goods or order or renew any Services. Payment for Goods may be made by Direct Debit or BACS, in advance or, if we agree to credit terms, within 14 days of our invoice.

If payment is not received within 14 calendar days of the Invoice Purchase Date then your account and the Services may be suspended and will not be usable. This means you will be unable to use the internet or make telephone calls using the Services we provide.


  1. Liability
  • You will not hold us held responsible or liable for any losses of revenue, direct or indirect costs, as a result of any disruption to the good or services which we provide to you.
  • You will indemnify us against all claims, damages, liabilities, costs (including reasonable legal fees) directly or indirectly related to your registration of or use of your domain names, the use of the Goods, and your use of the Services or breach by you of these Conditions.
  • By submitting this order you agree to our complete Terms and Conditions. Our full Terms and Conditions are available upon request.


  1. Confidentiality

We both agree not to use for any purpose apart from this agreement or disclose any Confidential Data received from the other party. “Confidential Data” means Data identified as, or which clearly is, confidential.

This clause does not apply to Data which:

  1. enters the public domain other than through breach of this clause;
  2. is or becomes independently known to the receiving party free from any confidentiality restriction;
  3. is required to be disclosed by applicable law or competent authority;
  4. is reasonably disclosed to employees, suppliers or others for the proper performance of these Conditions;
  5. is reasonably disclosed to professional advisers; or
  6. We are otherwise permitted to disclose in accordance with these Conditions.


  1. Provision of Service

We will supply the Services with reasonable skill and care.

However, we do not guarantee:

  • That the Services will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free; or
  • That any Data generated, stored, transmitted or used via or in connection with the Services will be complete, accurate, secure, up to date, received or delivered correctly or at all.
  • We do not provide a back-up of your Data or guarantee the integrity of your Data; however, we will use our reasonable endeavours to provide copies of Data for disaster recovery purposes.
  • We may have to suspend the Services for repair, maintenance or improvement without prior notice. If so, we will restore them as quickly as is reasonably practicable.
  • Specific Conditions on the Provision of Telephony Services and Emergency Calls


  1. Restrictions
  • You must refrain from transferring any illegal material or engage in unlawful activities via your use of the Services.
  • You must refrain from sending menacing, offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent or abusive messages or telephone calls whilst using the Services.
  • You must not use or permit the usage of the Services in a manner that is inconsistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • You must not make available or upload Data via your use of the Services that contain a virus, worm, trojan or other malicious Data or download any disabling or harmful devices.
  • You must not use the Services to send bulk unsolicited commercial emails or telephone calls.
  • You warrant that your use of the Services will not infringe any third party intellectual property or other rights.
  • You must not embark on any course of action, whether by use of your website, telephone or any other means, which may cause a disproportionate level of activity (for example, causing mail bombs, denial of service attacks or encouraging large numbers of inbound phone calls) without providing us at least seven day’s prior notice in writing. If you give notice or we otherwise become aware of such disproportionate use we may:

– move your service to a dedicated service and charge our then current rate as detailed on our Website; or

– terminate some or all of the Services forthwith.


By proceeding with the Connectivity Services order you declare that you understand, agree and accept the terms and conditions above.